Wanted: Talented Municipalities Project with Cathalijne Smulders 2023/2024

(c) Cathalijne Smulders
(c) Cathalijne Smulders

The Wanted: Talented Municipalities project explores the challenges that hinder collaboration between artists and municipalities, focusing on the barriers that prevent effective partnerships. It also examines what new (financial) tools are required to address social issues together. The aim is not to replace traditional art subsidies but to offer additional support and resources to enhance these collaborations.


With Cathalijne as an initiator, we have been exploring integrating performative and creative methods into policy-making and their effects on connecting with various social groups. 


Our central question is; Touching Politics: How do our bodies influence our political ideas?

How do our bodies influence our political ideas? Explore how the senses can enhance political design thinking in a session that immerses participants in a sensuous experience based on deep listening & touch activating the body’s intelligence. The reflexivity nurtured through these experiences extends beyond cognitive or technical problem-solving; it shapes emotional engagement and conscience, encouraging sensitive engagement with societal issues crucial for making responsible and inclusive policy decisions that prioritize care and well-being.